Hi, My Name Is Aman Ambastha

I Am An Aspiring Software Engineer In The Bay Area And San Diego

About Me

My name is Aman Ambastha and I am an aspiring to be a software engineer and computer scientist. I live in San Ramon, California and attend SDSU for my studies at University. I live with my mother, father, and brother. Originally, I am from India but lived in the Western World throughout.

  • Name: Aman Ambastha
  • Age: 18
  • Occupation: N/A SDSU Student
  • Gender: Male
  • Residence: San Ramon
  • Study: Computer Science

The IT industry has always fascinated me with it's diverse technological systems that it has developed which have changed people's lives in multiple ways. Technology is used heavily to develop buisnessess and make user experience and customer satisfaction reach a higher level. Technology is growing by the minute and I can't wait to be a software engineer and add my footprint and impact to the technological world. I have a strong aptitude and knowledge for software development. I am developing my skills and experience by gaining knowledge of a broad set of technical skills that will prepare me for the industry.


Java Programming

Learning Java Continously Through SDSU Classes And Programiz. Currently At An Intermediate-Advanced Level Of Understanding. Progressing To Earn Professional Certification. Completed Programming Projects To Show Mastery.

C++ Programming

Learning C++ Continously Through SDSU Classes, ZyBooks, and Programiz. Currently At An Intermediate-Advanced Level Of Understanding. Studied Data Structures Through C++. Progressing To Earn Professional Certification.Completed Programming Projects To Show Mastery.

Assembly Language Programming

Learned Basic Assembly Language Through MIPS. Learned MIPS During My CS240 Class At SDSU That Taught Me Computer Organization. Learned About Computer Hardware & CPU Functionality.

Python Programming

Programmed In Python During My Initial Years Of Programming. Currrently At A Beginner-Intermediate Level Of Understanding. Aspiring To Attain More Mastery In Python Through Programiz, Zybooks, and Programming Projects.

Software Systems

Currently, at SDSU, learning about software systems and the process associated with building good technology for customers and clients. Learn concepts such as different phases in software development cycle and ethics of the computing world.


Have Basic HTML & CSS Skills through my internship at Deevia Software and also by programming this website. This website is coded in HTML & CSS.


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Extended Tortoise vs Hare Game

Software Used:

  • JetBrains IntelliJ IDE
  • Java Programming Language
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Software Used:

  • JetBrains CLion IDE
  • C++/C Programming Language
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Personal Website (Current Website)

Software Used:

  • Notepad To Code
  • HTML & CSS

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Employee Organization Chart

Software Used:

  • JetBrains CLion IDE
  • C++/C Programming Language
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Image Processing Kernels

Software Used:

  • MARS MIPS Simulator
  • MIPS Programming Language
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Complex Number Calculator

Software Used:

  • JetBrains IntelliJ IDE
  • Java Programming Language

Contact Me

InMotion Hosting

Ways To Contact Me:

    1) Email: amanambastha2011@gmail.com

    2) Email: aambastha6826@sdsu.edu (My University ID)

    3) Phone Number: (925) - 302 - 3060

    4) Instagram: Follow Me On Instagram (@ambastha.aman)

    5) LinkedIn: Connect With Me Via LinkedIn

    My LinkedIn Account